David Shifflet's Snippets

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Code This, Not That - Use Streams NOT FileInfo

So let's say we want to read a file. And for this example let's say this file contains some text seperated by commas like so...


And one might write something along the lines of...

public class ThatReadCsvFile
	public string[] ReadFile(FileInfo file)
		using (var sr = new StreamReader(file.OpenRead()))
			var s = sr.ReadLine();
			while (s != null)
				return s.Split(',');
		return new string[] { };
The problem with this code is you can only use it with Files. What if you want to use it with streams? Like maybe in a test using a memory stream?

Instead Code This...

public class ThisReadCsvFile
	public string[] ReadFile(FileInfo file)
		using (var fileStream = file.OpenRead())
			return ReadStream(fileStream);

	public string[] ReadStream(Stream stream)
		using (var sr = new StreamReader(stream))
			while (sr.Peek()>=0)
				return sr.ReadLine().Split(',');
		return new string[] { };

So ReadFile can take a FileInfo or a Stream and we can do something like...

public void CanThisReadCsvFile()
	//WE CAN DO...
	var file = new FileInfo("sample.csv");
	var reader = new ThisReadCsvFile();
		new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("1,2,3,4,5"))).Length == 5);